Buddhism and Peace with a Focus on the Issues of Violence, Wars and Self-sacrifice


規格:15.5Í22.5cm / 平裝 / 208頁


    《圖書目錄 》

    Introduction  James Benn 01
    1. Buddhist Interreligious Peacework with Muslims  David W. Chappell 13
    2. Peace and Self-Sacrifice in Buddhism  Hubert Durt 35
    3. Self-immolation in the Context of War and Other Natural Disasters
    James A. Benn 51
    4. Violence Condemned and Sanctioned: The Development of the Term
    samkhya-or samkhya-in Jaina, Buddhist and Early Hindu Literatures
    Noritoshi Aramaki 85
    5. Is Japanese Buddhism Deficient in Morality?
    With a Focus on Modern Buddhist Ideas Concerning Politics and Attitudes
    towards Wars  Fumihiko Sueki 101
    6. The Banality of Good: Buddhism and the Civic Discourse of Peace in
    Hiroshima  James H. Foard 113
    7. Fazang as a Peace-Maker and Trouble-Shooter  Jinhua Chen 131
    Index 207

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