Development and Practice of Humanitarian Buddhism Interdisciplinary Perspectives


規格:15.5Í22.5cm / 平裝 / 310頁

《圖書目錄 》

Introduction  Mutsu Hsu, Jinhua Chen & Lori Meeks 01
1. Buddhist IEstablishments within Liang Wudi’s Imperial Park  Jinhua Chen 13
2. 寶山的比丘尼銘刻  Wendi Adamek 31
3. 唐代中期的居士梁肅與天台佛教–以「天台智者大師修禪道場碑」為中心
池麗梅 (釋孝順) 43
4.「人間佛教」的來源和其歷史性意義  伊吹敦 69
5. I變化中的不變追求:從世俗佛教到人間佛教的平等理念  嚴耀中 81
6. Precept and the Rewards of Patronage: On the Early History of Lay Ordinations in
Japan  Lori Meeks 93
7. Tachibana no Someko: A Lay Woman Practicing Zen in the Edo Period
Fumihiko Sueki (末木文美士) 117
8. 曹洞禪在美國:初步研究紀要  John Mcrae 127
9. Some Remarks on the Usage of Renjian Fojiao and the Contribution of Venerable
Yinshun to Chinese Buddhist Modernism  Marcus Bingemheimer 141
10. 人間佛教與密教批判  陳繼東 163
11. In Pursuit of Buddhahood: Master Yinshun and the Buddhist Study in Postwar
Taiwan  Yu-Chen Li (李玉珍) 173
12. Socially-Engaged Buddhism in Taiwan and Its Contributions to Civil Society
David Schak 197
13. Renjian Buddhism and Its Successors  Jen-Chien Ting (丁仁傑) 229
14. Buddhist Education and Civil Society in Modern Taiwan: Notes from the Buddhist
Compassion Relief TzuChi Foundation’s Mission of Education
Julia Huang (黃倩玉) 269
15. 慈濟文化的實踐:教育人類學的觀點  許木柱、何縕琪 285
Index 309

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